Monday 3 December 2007

Not blogged for a while

Sorry i haven't blogged for a while blame it on this time of the year yes the time when all you want to do is stay in bed & not come out till spring.I have hurt my back so cant sit for long i have arthritis in my back but stupidly lifted something heavy in to my shopping trolley on Friday & i just felt it go needless to say i got into trouble for doing something so silly anyway i can barley walk & trying to sleep at night is impossible i am using my tens machine & taking my strong pain killers but it's not helping.Charlie & girls are telling me to go to doctors but i don't think he can do anything as I'm already taking the strongest pain killer so will just have to take it easy for now.

1 comment:

Oblibby said...

Good to see you back, Maggie. Hope your back gets better soon. Try not to let the time of the year get you down (pretty hard on a day like today I know). Just think - not long til Christmas :D:D